
Ústřední knihovna Univerzity Karlovy

Starting your journey with Medical resources

Ústřední knihovna spolu s kolegy z Lékařské fakulty v Plzni pořádají tři online přednášky z oblasti medicínských elektronických zdrojů a otevřeného publikování. Tyto přednášky jsou primárně určené doktorandům, ale vítáni jsou samozřejmě všichni, které by tyto témata zajímala.


Přednášky se budou konat tři listopadové středy, vždy od 10:00 a to: 

16.11. 10:00 – Medical eResources: Where to find them & how to cite them (45 minut)

Join our webinar, where we will introduce the most widely used medical databases such Medline, PubMed, Embase, Ovid, and others. You will also learn how to import and deduplicate references from these databases into EndNote basic.  

23.11. – Medical eResources: How to use them – research strategies AND / OR MeSH (45 minut)

Now that you are familiar with databases, you will learn how to turn your hypothesis into a research question and which research strategies to use. In addition, we will take a closer look at Medical Subject Headings and how to incorporate them into Your search queries. Last but not least, you will become familiar with the use of the dreaded Boolean operators.

30.11. – Persistent identifiers and open access publishing (45 minut)

Persistent identifiers are long-lasting references to a document (DOI) or researcher (ORCID). DOI and ORCID are widely used by the academic community worldwide, and we will explain how to understand, create and use them. Another topic that will be covered is preprints and preprinting publishing services as sources and also publishing tools.


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“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 856620”.

Aktuality, E-zdroje. Post.